Art Supplies Links

ArtSupplies Tip Book
About Acrylic Painting
The History or Acrylic Paint
What Type of Acrylic Paint Should I Buy?
How to Paint With Acrylic Paint
What to Know Before Painting with Acrylics
What You Need for Getting Started with Acrylic Paints
What Else Should I Know About Acrylic Paints?
What Can I Paint on With Acrylic Paint?
What is Acrylic Paint?
What is a Medium in Acrylic Paint?
What is a Varnish for Acrylic Paint?
What to do With Leftover Paint?
What's the Big Deal With Acrylic Paints?
Saving Money on Acrylic Paints
Are Acrylic Paints a Friend of the Earth?
Oh No, My Paint Tube Won't Open!
What Should I Know About Mixing Acrylic Paint Colors?
Your Canvas and Acrylic Paints
What is Liquitex?
Go With the Flow in Your Acrylic Paint Use
Painting With Brown Acrylic
The Best Pallets for Acrylic Paints
Airbrush Tips
History of the Airbrush
How Does an Airbrush Work?
Why Use an Airbrush?
Who Uses Airbrushing?
Art Canvas Tips
Preparing Your Art Canvas
What is a Watercolor Canvas?
What is Gesso?
How Do I Get My Wet Canvas One Place to Another?
Why Use a Sketch Box?
Stretching Your Own Canvas
Other Canvas Choices
Imitation Canvas Panels
Why Choose a Linen Canvas?
Can I Stretch My Own Canvas?
Types of Primed Canvases
Other Important Canvas Definitions
How To Store My Completed Paintings
Art Education Tips
Learn Art Through a Book
Want to Learn to Paint Trees and Clouds?
Why Purchase an Art Instruction Video?
What is Art Therapy?
Which Art Instruction Video is Right for You?
Who's That Instructor?
How To Draw Instructional Videos
Let's Talk Art Action and Adventure!
Why Choose Art Videos to Learn
Lighting is Everything
Art Therapy Through Paint
Art Supply Tips
Who Typically Paints With What?
Where Should I Store My Tools?
Painting With a Knife?
How Do I Cut My Mat?
You Get What You Pay For in Art Supplies
Your Online Art Needs
Art Supplies: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Artist Brush Care
How Many Paintbrushes Do I Need?
Caring for Your Brushes
What is a Synthetic Brush?
Hold Onto to That Brush!
How to Care for Watercolor and Ink Brushes
Popular Paintbrush Shapes
Picking the Right Brush for the Job
Artist Brush Bristle Choices
What Do These Numbers Mean?
Bisque Firing Tips
Bisque Firing and Pottery
How Hot Should Bisque Firing Be?
Finding the Perfect Bisque Temperature
Can I Paint My Bisque?
Color Pencil Sets
Why Use Color Pencils?
What's Up With Drawing?
What is a Sketching Set?
Colored Pencil Sets
Watercolors in a Pencil?
How To Watercolor Sets or Guides
Gouache Tips
What is Gouache?
Mixing Gouache with Watercolor
Can I Use Gouache on Paper?
What is in Gouache?
What's So Great and Not-So Great About Gouache
How Long Will My Gouache Last?
Online Art Supply
Why Use Art Collection Software?
Why Buy Your Art Supplies Online?
Where Else Can I Purchase Art Supplies?
Opaque Projector Tips
Why Use and Opaque Projector?
How Did the Opaque Projector Originate?
What are Kopykake Projectors?
Using a Professional Opaque Projector
What is an Opaque Projector?
Don't Overuse Your Opaque Projector
Opaque Projectors Aren't Just for Classrooms Anymore
Why Overglaze?
What is Overglaze?
Paper Making Tips
Don't Throw that Newspaper Away!
Paper Making and Its History
Make Your Paper Colorful!
How to Make Your Own Paper
How Does Your Homemade Paper Feel?
You Don't Have to Make Your Own Paper
You Don't Need to Just Make Sheets of Paper
How to Store that Leftover Pulp
Poster Paint Tips
What is a Collage?
What are Art Markers
What are Poster Paint Sets?
What are Aerosol Paints?
What are Poster Paints?
Printing Press Tips
What is a Screen Printing Press?
What are Phenolic Bed Plates for a Printing Press?
What is a Richeson Press?
Why Should my Printing Press be Aligned?
What are the Main Types of Printmaking?
How to Keep Your Printing Press Running Well
What is a Printing Press?
Tips About Spray Booths
How to Keep That Spray Booth Clean
Do I Really Need a Spray Booth?
Using a Spray Booth in a Professional Environment
What is a Seamless Spray Booth?
How a Spray Booth Works
Alternatives to Spray Booths
Tips On Art Sets
What is a Fine Writing Instrument?
Why Use Color Markers?
Why Purchase Art Sets?
Do I Need a Watercolor Brush Set?
Why Buy Paint Brush Sets?
The History of Graphite Pencils
Why Draw With Charcoal?
What are Sketch Sets?
Easel's for the Beginning Artist
Displaying Your Completed Work
Why Buy Acrylic Paint Sets?
What are Air Brush Sets?
Why Use Watercolor Paint Sets?
What are Oil Paint Sets?
Whom Uses Beginners Paint Sets?
What Can I Paint With Casein Paints?
What are Pastel Paint Sets?
What are Casein Paints?
What are Colored Pencil Sets?
Art Supplies Newsletter Archive
Oh No, My Paint Tube Won’t Open!
What to do With Leftover Paint?
Are Acrylic Paints a Friend of the Earth?
Saving Money on Acrylic Paints
Your Easel Angle Matters!
Is My Easel Stable?
Heavy Metal?
Why Should I Use an Easel?
Is That an Easel on my Table?
Artist Brush Bristle Choices
Caring for Your Brushes
Hold Onto to That Brush!
Other Canvas Choices
Why Choose Oil Paint?
Whom Uses Beginners Paint Sets?
Popular Paintbrush Shapes
Picking the Right Brush for the Job
Imitation Canvas Panels
Why Choose a Linen Canvas?
Can I Stretch My Own Canvas?
Types of Primed Canvases
Other Important Canvas Definitions
What Oil Painting Colors Should a Beginner Use?
Go With the Flow in Your Acrylic Paint Use
How Does an Airbrush Work?
Why Purchase Art Sets?
Adding a Solvent to Your Oil Paint
Art Therapy Through Paint
What is a Synthetic Brush?
What are Oil Paints?
What are Casein Paints?
What are Poster Paints?
Why Use Color Markers?
What is a Screen Printing Press?
What’s Up With Drawing?
Opaque Projectors Aren’t Just for Classrooms Anymore
How a Spray Booth Works
Stretching Your Own Canvas
Why Use and Opaque Projector?
What Do These Numbers Mean?
How Do I Cut My Mat?
What are Paint Sticks?
What is a Fine Writing Instrument?
Why Purchase an Art Instruction Video?
Where Else Can I Purchase Art Supplies?
Painting With a Knife?
What is Art Therapy?
What Can I Paint on With Acrylic Paint?
Applying Your Oil Paint
Art Supplies: The Gift That Keeps on Giving
Your Online Art Needs
You Get What You Pay For in Art Supplies
Using a Professional Opaque Projector
What are Kopykake Projectors?
How Did the Opaque Projector Originate?
What to Know Before Painting with Acrylics
What is a Watercolor Canvas?
Preparing Your Art Canvas
What are Pastel Paint Sets?
How To Watercolor Sets or Guides
What is a Collage?
What are Aerosol Paints?
Why Use a Sketch Box?
How to Keep Your Printing Press Running Well
What are the Main Types of Printmaking?
Why Should my Printing Press be Aligned?
What is a Richeson Press?
What are Phenolic Bed Plates for a Printing Press?
What are Sketch Sets?
Easel’s for the Beginning Artist
Do I Need a Watercolor Brush Set?
Don’t Overuse Your Opaque Projector
What is an Opaque Projector?
What is a Seamless Spray Booth?
Using a Spray Booth in a Professional Environment
Do I Really Need a Spray Booth?
How to Keep That Spray Booth Clean
What is a Printing Press?
Let’s Talk Art Action and Adventure!
How To Draw Instructional Videos
Who’s That Instructor?
Which Art Instruction Video is Right for You?
How Long Will My Gouache Last?
What’s So Great and Not-So Great About Gouache
Can I Use Gouache on Paper?
Mixing Gouache with Watercolor
How to Store that Leftover Pulp
You Don’t Need to Just Make Sheets of Paper
You Don’t Have to Make Your Own Paper
How Does Your Homemade Paper Feel?
How to Make Your Own Paper
Make Your Paper Colorful!
Paper Making and Its History
Don’t Throw that Newspaper Away!
Is Oil Painting Dangerous to Your Health?
How To Put Varnish on Your Oil Painting
Fat Over Lean Painting Technique
The Best Way to Save Oil Paint
What are Oil Paint Sets?
What Should I Protect My Painting With?
Why Buy Student Grade Oil Paints?
What do These Words Mean?
How Oil Paints Came to Be
What’s so Great About Oil Paints?
Displaying Your Completed Work
Why Choose Art Videos to Learn
Learn Art Through a Book
What are Colored Pencil Sets?
Bisque Firing and Pottery
What Can I Paint With Casein Paints?
How To Store My Completed Paintings
Who Uses Airbrushing?
Where Should I Store My Tools?
What Else Should I Know About Acrylic Paints?
History of the Airbrush
Why Use an Airbrush?
Why Use Art Collection Software?
Want to Learn to Paint Trees and Clouds?
Why Buy Paint Brush Sets?
Why Draw With Charcoal?
Why Buy Acrylic Paint Sets?
What are Oil Paint Sets?
Why Use Watercolor Paint Sets?
What are Air Brush Sets?
Can I Paint My Bisque?
Finding the Perfect Bisque Temperature
What is a Sketching Set?
Watercolors in a Pencil?
Why Do People Paint?
What are Art Markers
What Type of Acrylic Paint Should I Buy?
How to Paint With Acrylic Paint
The History of Graphite Pencils
How Hot Should Bisque Firing Be?
How Many Paintbrushes Do I Need?
What is Gesso?
Why Use Color Pencils?
Colored Pencil Sets
Are You Looking for Fine Art Supplies?
Who Typically Paints With What?
Why Buy Your Art Supplies Online?
What is Overglaze?
Lighting is Everything
What are Poster Paint Sets?
Why Overglaze?
How Do I Get My Wet Canvas One Place to Another?
What is a Varnish for Acrylic Paint?
Your Canvas and Acrylic Paints
What Should I Know About Mixing Acrylic Paint Colors?
Oh No, My Paint Tube Won’t Open!
What to do With Leftover Paint?
Are Acrylic Paints a Friend of the Earth?
Saving Money on Acrylic Paints
Your Easel Angle Matters!
Is My Easel Stable?
Heavy Metal?
Why Should I Use an Easel?
Is That an Easel on my Table?
Artist Brush Bristle Choices
Caring for Your Brushes
Hold Onto to That Brush!
Other Canvas Choices
Why Choose Oil Paint?
Whom Uses Beginners Paint Sets?
Kolinsky Brush Set
Kolinsky Sable Brushes
Paint Brush Parts
Paint Brush Shapes
Painting With The Right Brushes
Reviving Dried Brushes
Types Of Artist Paint Brushes
Fredrix Canvas Panels
Linen Canvas
Stretching Your Own Canvas
The Different Grades of Primed Canvas
"Basic" colors
Oil Paints
Improving the Flow of Your Acrylic Paints
The Airbrush
Shopping For Fine Art Supplies
Watercolor Painting
Art Sets
Artist Grade Solvent
Childrens´ Art Therapy
Synthetic Artist Brushes
About Oil Paints
Squaring Your Canvas
Casein Colors
Collage and Poster Paints
About Acrylic Colour!
Color Marker Set
Art Sets
1screen Printing Press
Discount Art Supplies
Common Opaque Projector Uses
Spray Booth Mechanics
Canvas Stretcher Bars
Saving Time With Opaque Projectors and LightBoxes
The act of painting
Numbered Size System for Art Brushes
A tip from your very own Art-Supply Guru
Art Supplies Frequently Asked Questions
Where can I learn to paint with acrylics?
Where can I find paint sets for beginners?
What can you paint acrylics on?
How do I paint clouds and trees?
At what temperature does firing occur?
What happens to pottery if the Bisque temperature is too high or low?
What type of brush do I need?
Where can I find art supplies online?
What is Art?
What compels the Artist?
What is an airbrush?
How does an airbrush work?
what kind of airbrushes are there?
Where can I find Acrylic paint sets
How do I learn to use airbrush paint?
Where can I find paint brush sets?
Where can I find paint sets for beginners?
Do I need special brushes to use watercolors?
Who needs to use an Easel?
What is watercolor?
What is color pencil art?
Where does graphite come from?
How is drawing charcoal made?
What is sketching?
Where can I find oil paint sets?
What are pastel paint sets?
Why would I use an art video guide?
What is Art Canvas?
What is watercolor canvas?
How do I prepare a canvas for acrylic paint?
How can I transport wet canvas?
What is an artist sketch box?
Why should I stretch my own canvas?
What are casein colors?
What is poster paint?
What are paint aerosols used for?
What is Collage art?
What are art markers?
Who uses pencil sets?
What are watercolor pencils?
What's in a watercolor pencil set?
Why use color markers for art projects?
Why do artists sketch?
What are oil paints made of?
What are oil paint colors?
What is acrylic painting?
What is air brushing?
Why should I use an art box?
What are the benefits of an art set?
How do I organize my art or art collection?
What is bisque firing?
What are casein paints?
What is a simple, mess free art supply option?
What is art therapy?
What is drawing?
Where can I find quality fine art supplies?
What is painting?
What is overglaze?
What is poster paints?
How can I transport my painting?
What colors do you suggest a beginner buy?
What is the best angle for my easel?
What is a tabletop easel?
Why choose a French easel?
How does the weight of your painting affect the stability of your easel?
What are the benefits of a metal easel?
Is an easel necessary?
Are instructional videos worthwhile?
How do I choose an instructional video?
How good are the artizts on instructional art videos?
What type of artists could benefit from drawing videos?
Are there art history videos?
What is a printing press?
What is screen printing?
What is a phenolic bed plate?
What is the reputation of Richeson presses?
How important is it to align a printing press?
What are thypes of print making that require printing presses?
How do you care for a printing press?
How do spray booths work?
How do you care for a spray booth?
Do I really need a spray booth?
When running a business, do I need to follow any regulations?
What is a seamless spray booth?
What is an opaque projector?
How long can I keep an image under an opaque projector?
What do artists use opaque projectors for?
Do opaque projectors really save artists time?
What is the history of the opaque projector?
What are the benefits of a Kopykake projector?
What is the best professional grade opaque projector?
Are quality art supplies really any better?
What are the benefits of buying art supplies online?
What kinds of art supplies make good gifts?
What are painting knives used for?
What are acrylic paints?
What is an acrylic paint medium used for?
What is varnish for?
How can you store extra acrylic paint?
Are acrylic paints popular?
How can I save money on acrylic paint supplies?
How can I dispose of acrylic paints in an environmentally safe way?
How can I open sealed acrylic paint tubes?
Is there a right way to mix acrylic paint colors?
How do you apply acrylic paint colors?
Who is the leading acrylic paint manufacturer?
What does medium do when mixed with acrylic paints?
How do you mix brows?
Is there any way to get dried acrylic paint out of your brush?
Is there a proper way to clean and store paint brushes?
How do you choose the right brush for your painting?
What are the characteristics of the different types of brushes?
Are synthetic brushes good?
How do you hold a paint brush?
What are the uses of the different paint brush shapes?
What is the history of oil paints?
Why do artists choose oil paints?
What are direct and indirect oil painting?
What are the popular terms of oil painting?
What are the different grades of oil paints?
When do you varnish an oil painting?
Is it a good idea to buy an oil paint set?
How do you preserve leftover oil paints?
What does painting 'Fat' over 'Lean' mean?
How do you varnish an oil painting?
How can I avoid the health hazards of oil painting?
How can oyu judge a good solvent?
What is muslin and scrim?
What are canvas panels?
What are the benefits of using linen for canvas?
Why do some artists stretch their own canvas?
What do the terms single, double and universal primed mean?
What terms do I need to know about canvas?
How do you make paper?
What is the history of papermaking?
How do I add color to my handmade paper?
Is it possible to make your own papermaking mold?
How do you add texture to hand made papers
Are papermaking kits of sufficient quality to use?
Is it possible to make an envelope?
Is it possible to store pulp?
What is gouache?
Can you use gouache with other media?
What are cold press and hot press papers?
What products or additives are sometimes added to gouache for effect?
What are the positive and negative attribtues of gouache?
What is the shelf life of gouache?
What supplies should I keep in my art box?
What are paint sticks?
What supplies should I keep in my art box?
Can you explain the number system on all the paint brushes?
Which medium should I choose?
What brand Acrylics should I use?
re there different techniques with Acrylics that I should know?
Once a bisc piece is painted, does it have to be fired?
How do I apply Gold Luster Overglaze?
Any suggestions on displaying a painting?
How do you take care of paint brushes?
How can art therapy benifit my child?
What is acrylic paint?
How do I take care of a watercolor brush?
What kind of pallet do I need for acrylic paints?
What is the best way to make your own paint booth?

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Guru Spotlight
Carma Spence-Pothitt